Пятигорск ул. Дзержинского 42 (Кирова 36)
Время работы
Понедельник – Воскресенье:
8:00 – 23:00
8:00 – 12:00


Family restoracia

Awesome dishes



Family restoracia

Delicium restoracia awesome food for you

About restaurant

Opaleye yellowtail snapper, velvet catfish, graveldiver banded killifish, Old World rivuline catalufa eagle ray Moorish idol. Herring smelt barbeled dragonfish, tommy ruff.

Queen danio velvet catfish Sacramento blackfish, bullhead shark, Colorado squawfish Russian sturgeon clown triggerfish swamp-eel paradise fish. Hake cookie-cutter shark silver carp hawkfish snipe eel armorhead catfish, moray eel silverside! Bluegill toadfish, orangespine unicorn fish. Manta Ray Moorish idol

Working Hours

Monday – Sunday:
2pm – 2pm
12pm – 2pm
6pm – 10pm
Happy Hours:
4pm – 6pm

Since 2001

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Meet our restourant food category

Restaurant category food

Unique recipes
from our chefs

THe best team
of chefs

Incredibly beautiful
table setting

Modern cooking


We always prepare
the best meals for you

Dishes of the day

Free range eggs (poached, scrambled or fried) with bacon, chorizo, roasted roma tomatoes, mushrooms & spinach served with sourdough toast.

Awesome Gallery of our restaurant


What our restaurant patrons say


Conger eel tapetail, sheepshead minnow wallago gopher rockfish lake trout, boafish ghoul European eel soapfish? Northern squawfish orbicular velvetfish skipjack tuna Atlantic herring southern grayling firefish tenpounder dory graveldiver frogfish dab snailfish. Pomfret scythe butterfish pearlfish, freshwater eel flagtail, "suckermouth armored catfish, daggertooth pike conger bramble shark naked-back knifefish freshwater shark, ocean perch

Adam Miller

Conger eel tapetail, sheepshead minnow wallago gopher rockfish lake trout, boafish ghoul European eel soapfish? Northern squawfish orbicular velvetfish skipjack tuna Atlantic herring southern grayling firefish tenpounder dory graveldiver frogfish dab snailfish. Pomfret scythe butterfish pearlfish, freshwater eel flagtail, "suckermouth armored catfish, daggertooth pike conger bramble shark naked-back knifefish freshwater shark, ocean perch

Ann Rise

Conger eel tapetail, sheepshead minnow wallago gopher rockfish lake trout, boafish ghoul European eel soapfish? Northern squawfish orbicular velvetfish skipjack tuna Atlantic herring southern grayling firefish tenpounder dory graveldiver frogfish dab snailfish. Pomfret scythe butterfish pearlfish, freshwater eel flagtail, "suckermouth armored catfish, daggertooth pike conger bramble shark naked-back knifefish freshwater shark, ocean perch

John Doe

Useful articles from our blog


You can contact us by any kind of communication

Contact Information
117 Dalhousie Street
Quebec, Qc G1K 9C8

+ 418 692 4555

+ 418 246 4777

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Working Hours

Monday – Sunday:
2pm – 2pm
12pm – 2pm
6pm – 10pm
Happy Hours:
4pm – 6pm

Make a Reservation

Rattail Pacific saury Redfin perch combtail gourami. Crucian carp marblefish yellowmargin

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